Neighborhood-scale homes create equitable communities.


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How can middle homes help my community?


Create more housing choices and inclusiveness

Neighborhood-scale homes offer choice and inclusion that helps people afford to live in the community of their choice. Neighborhood-scale homes also provide a path to homeownership.

 Support local jobs & economy

Neighborhood-scale homes are typically built and financed by local companies and they allow people to live in the communities where they work.

Give families flexibility

Neighborhood-scale homes like ADUs help seniors age in place and create separate housing to help loved ones and community members in times of need.


Build on what we already have

Neighborhood-scale homes fit seamlessly into scarce urban land, blending gently into existing communities and structures without disrupting daily life.

Great for the environment

ADUs are highly energy-efficient to build and to live in because of their size and ease of construction. They also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing commutes.

Naturally affordable

ADUs are naturally affordable because they cost less to build. They are less expensive to rent as well.



Read ADU law:

The California Department of Housing and Community Development’s website is the ultimate research tool for housing policy.

Explore resources to help policymakers & professionals add more neighborhood-scale homes in any California jurisdiction: